The series of videos and video stills explores mans' constraint of living beings, both via physical capture and anthropocentric concepts. The word captivity directly derives from the Latin word Captivitas (capti - capture/vitas - life) in essence the capturing of life and the death of freedom.
BOOMSLANG (Genoa, 14/4/2018 17:41:48)
The Boomslang (meaning tree-snake) is a timid snake, and bites generally occur only when people attempt to handle, catch, or kill the animal. When confronted and cornered, it inflates its neck and assumes an "S"-shaped striking pose, able to open its jaws up to 170°. The slow-acting venom gives victims a false reassurance, but without anti-venom the coagulation process will slowly be disabled causing hemorrhaging into the muscle and brain, and finally death.
BELUGA GRIGIA (Genoa 14/4/2018 17:38:43)
The Sturgeons’ evolution dates back to the Triassic some 245 to 208 million years ago. Sturgeons have been referred to as "primitive fishes" because their morphological characteristics have remained relatively unchanged since the earliest fossil record. Most species of sturgeon are considered to be at risk of extinction, making them more critically endangered than any other group of species, and caviar-producing sturgeons are among the most valuable of all wildlife resources.
SPIRITO COLUMBIDAE (Naples 29/12/2019 08:19:09)
Many religious groups feed pigeons - some to ceremoniously honour their high priest, others because they believe that when they are reincarnated they will never go hungry if they have fed pigeons in their previous life. Other religious groups believe that when a person dies his or her soul assumes the form of a pigeon and therefore by feeding pigeons they are caring for the souls of their departed ancestors.
SNAKELOCKS PORPORA (Genoa 14/4/2018 17:36:58)
Snakelocks Anemones’ long, wavy, snake-like tentacles are home to a photosynthetic algae which produces energy from sunlight, and in addition to this energy they use their long stinging tentacles to capture prey. The species is widely consumed by humans in southwestern Spain, as ortiguillas de mar (literally, "little sea nettles"). The whole animal is marinated in vinegar, coated in a tempura-like batter, and deep-fried in olive oil.

CAPTIVITAS 1 Montaged Video Still printed on Hahnemühle Luster paper. 594x420 CAPTIVITAS 2 Montaged Video Still printed on Hahnemühle Luster paper. 594x420

CAPTIVITAS 3 Video Still printed on Hahnemühle Luster paper. 594x420