Enquiring into the idea of combining the material and immaterial in painting, these works explore the use of a transparent support. Introducing the paintings to a simple mapping algorithm enabled the generating of a video - the final work being an installation in which the generative video and the painting were presented simultaneously. As the original paintings are on a transparent substrate a visual intertwining occurred.

THE INTERTWINING pigments, thermoplastic polymers, acrylic glass, projector, looped generative video. 500mm x1000mm
Exhibited in the group show TRAPARENTESI 2016
The surfaces allow the artist to take full advantage of the light and to play with the observation point of the spectator. What the viewer sees is never the actual place where the hand of the painter was - it could be that it is on the reverse or on a projection of that reverse. Through paintings, installations and exploiting the possibilities of the digital, the artist reflects on the relationship between technology and painting, the virtual and real, and between the natural and the artificial. Curator : Chiara Bernadini
The virtual is thought of as things we cannot physically alter or experience without electronic mediation, reality on the other hand is the physical. I like to think of myself as working in both these existences, trying to intertwine the immaterial with the material. Maybe what we think of as real is actually artificial. Maybe there is no reality without virtuality and visa versa. Myvanwy Gibson