This piece is the culmination of the project THE LANGUAGE OF BIRDS that aimed to reveal the hidden magical language of birds via translating their sound language into visual artforms. It is a recorded performance of philosophical poetry from the poetry collection AND EIGHT BLACK HORSES RODE BELOW MY WINDOW. Three SYRINX SCULPTURES (that were channelled from the sound of gynandromorphic birds) create a ritualistic space from where the performance takes place - and having been bought to fruition via the song of the bird, they could be considered to be imbued with the wisdom of nature. The work is a ritual, an initiation - not only of itself, but also for the artist and audience.
The poems read are 3ZW3XY - an exploration of alternative realities via the thought of co-scripting with bird genetics and RING THE NEW BELL - a poetic meditation on the gendering of the muse and the oracle in greek mythology.